Review: Volmate Mini Portable Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ammeter Ohmmeter

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Review: Volmate Mini Portable Digital Multimeter Voltmeter Ammeter Ohmmeter

Category : Reviews

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Alright, first and foremost, I am not a electrician or even someone who has average knowledge in electricity stuff. I am a total beginner and its the first time that I had the chance to use a voltmeter. The insights I share here are based on a youtube video that teach newbies how to use a voltmeter.

This product is shipped directly to me so my review will not have “amazon verified purchase”

Ok now things I like about this:

►It’s digital, its not the old school analog

►It has a led light so you can use it at night

►You can hold the result just in case you need to take notes

►It’s beginner friendly; I was able to use it without proper knowledge about it.

►It has more features than basic ones out there.

►Watch the video to see more. 🙂
DISCLAIMER: I Got this product for FREE or DISCOUNTED RATE for my unbiased and HONEST REVIEW.My opinions are of my own and never manipulated in any kind.

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